As a new charity, we are always on the lookout for business-level support. We know there are some amazing charitable companies out there in Lincolnshire (we’ve already had some wonderful donations from some!), and we know that some could provide us with a more formalised way of support – we wanted to make this super easy, flexible and efficient, so we’ve come up with a number of suggested ways of getting involved:
- Donate! The easiest method of course – Donate button is at the top of the page.
- Promotion – Could you promote who we are and what we do, around your business, on your website, and on your social media? We can support you with whatever you need to do that with dedicated marketing collateral and more.
- Could we be your Charity of the Year? – Often companies have an official charity of the year who they are partnered with and run numerous promotional activities around this.

- Hold an event, raffle or similar, all in the name of LAMBS – that would be great and we’d be happy to help where we can! You could even donate raffle prizes for when we do a raffle through our social media, or an event of our own.
- Fund a project – we have a ton of ideas we want to fund, but we’re open to any that you may have too. We’d be happy to facilitate as necessary and appropriate.
- Sponsor the gift packs to families on Maternity and Neonatal wards – our flagship project, putting a smile on those faces at the toughest times.
- Venue for hosting events – do you have a nice little venue you’d be able to let us use for a fundraiser? This would be great for your business too!
- A N OTHER – get in touch with any ideas you may have!
So if you’re reading this and you work for a company who would like to get involved, get in touch! Alternatively spread the word too! Just email us at and we can get the balls rolling.